Buriganga River's Photo Documentary Installation
Executed Venue : ARTLAB DHAKA's Public art project at Danmondi Lake, Dhaka;
Destination Unknown exhibition, December 2014.
I was planning to working with Buriganga's life abandoned situation, I found Artist Forhad's documentary have a juxtapose emotional journey. I tried to do a conceptual installation with his photo documentary, where people will enjoy a visual poetry and simultaneously get thoughtful about interaction with a material. My concept was simple: As today Buriganga is abandoned of any kind of living organisms for continuous human invading , so I tried to do the same with this installation. I spread a series of documented photograph on a road as they are also some abandoned objects to invade by human. Visited people can re-use or take them, can march on these photographs and help them to pollute, as we do with Buriganga's water everyday unconsciously . But we can take care of the photographs as we everyone should do with our mighty river if we are a little aware of what we a stepping on .